Free Event Road Trauma Grief And Loss Support

Free Event Road Trauma Grief Support

How long will I feel like this?

Am I doing and saying the right things to my teenager whose best friend died in a road crash.

Many parents worry that grieving can have a negative impact on their teen’s future mental health.


Road Trauma Grief And Loss Support

Information Evening – Free Event

Thursday 1st December Wyndham City Council Function Rooms. Registration At 6.45 Pm Conclude At 9pm.

We have engaged Dr. Michael Carr Gregg, who is one of Australia’s highest profile psychologists as our expert presenter to work with the adults attending.

He is the resident parenting expert on Channel 7’s Sunrise as well as psychologist for the Morning Show with Neil Mitchell on Radio 3AW. He is married with two children and is a Special Patron of the Hawthorn Football Club.

The needs of grieving teens can be impacted by any number of things including but not limited to, their unique relationship with the individual, how the individual died, their support system, past experiences with death, and their own unique strengths and weaknesses when it comes to dealing with stress, adversity, and high emotion. This is why we have engaged Youth Facilitator Viv McWaters who will work with the youth cohort using appropriate interactive activities. Viv is very innovative when working with groups, and organisations as she will disrupt patterns of thinking and acting whilst exploring serious issues playfully. The participants will not be subjected to a ‘talk at’ experience as Viv will work with them to validate what they feel.

CONTACT – 0412 707 623 OR

We look forward to working together as like-minded, pro-active members to achieve our common goal – ‘Zero Toll should be your goal”.

TAC Towards Zero